How to Enroll

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Registration Information

Registration Form


Age:________                                            Sex: Female or Male (circle one)



How long have you been saved: 12months or less __ 1-5 year(s)__5-10 years 10 years and up __ (check one)

Do you attend church on a regular and consistent basis? __Yes __No __Sometimes

Home Church:____________________________________________________________________________


City_______________________ ST__________ Zip___________ Telephone_________________________

E-Mail:________________________________________ Your Position____________________________

Have you ever registered a ministry: or have a 501 (c) 3 or other federal Identification___________

Have you ever registered another non-profit__________ In what state__________ active__________

What is your primary ministerial calling: Check one only

__Pastor  __Associate Pastor  __Evangelist  __Teacher  __Lay Minister  __Missionary  __Bishop  __Apostle  __Minister

__Praise Leader __Music Ministry __Chaplain __Other_________________________________________

Are you in Full time ministry __Yes  __No

 How much time do you devote to the ministry weekly?_______________________________________

How are you financially supported?__________________________________________________________

List the ministerial or evangelical experience: ex. Youth ministry....




Highest grade level you reached: High School___ College__ Seminary__

Degrees or Diplomas you have earned _____________________________________________________


Why do you want to attend Harvest University:_______________________________________________




Please print and fill out

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Extension Campus

On Line

Distance Learning